Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The old man on the parking lot 190821

      I am continually amazed with what I see every day.

      I had a doctor's appointment at 11:45 today. I was there early so I sat in my car for a while before checking in. As I sat there, an old man came nearby using a walker. He was dressed in blue jeans that were 2 or more inches too long. He had an old shirt on that was probably 30 years old and a hat that was also older than the shirt. I thought he was alone until his wife came into my view. She was 10 feet behind him and hobbled along with a single cane. He stopped to open the trunk and put something in there. By that time she was at the back and the passenger side of the car. The car next to their's was too close for her to get in the vehicle. She called out loudly to him, "this car is too close for me to get in; you'll have to back out so I can get into the car!" He still had his head down looking into the trunk and said, "what?" She yells out, "you'll have to back out!" He shook his head and mumbled something under his breath.
      He started the car while I hoped he got it into reverse and not into drive to ram the car in front of him. Then I hoped he didn't back up too far and hit the car behind him. The parking spaces did not have a lot of space between rows. He backed up and stopped. She tapped the closed window and said, "okay." He backed up some more and stopped and then backed up again. She just stood there shaking her head, waiting for him to stop for good.
      It was cute to sit there watching and the whole time all I could think was this: that will be me and Joyce in the future, unless I give up driving before I get to the point he is today on the parking lot.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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