Friday, June 7, 2019

Hailey's cosplay

      Cosplay is a growing thing these days. Kids through grownups are into this in a big way. For Hailey it started from the time she could walk and talk. This first picture is from 2008. Joyce and I found this Disney costume and bought it for Hailey. She wore it until she out grew it.

      This picture is priceless to me.

      This picture is from early this year. It was a big event in Springfield as is obvious by all of the sponsors for the event. All of the pictures below are part of the event. They are Anime characters from shows that are on the internet. The first one is an academic character. Hailey spent hours on both days of the event answering questions from young and old alike. Hailey has an encyclopedic knowledge of this subject, all the while being an honor student in school and taking advanced classes.

      This is princess peach.

      Hailey explained this one to me, but I forgot what superhero it is. Apparently all of the characters have some kind of superior power, not just fight or flight.


      Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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