Friday, June 14, 2019

Cosmic shift 190614

      These are just a few of my thoughts today.

      We are in the midst of a cosmic shift. Countries are divided, governments are not functioning properly. I do know know if things will ever recover at this point.
      One thing history tells me is that the youth are the people who bring about change when things go far wrong. God help us if the youth become like older people.
      Young working men and women are repressed around the globe and when they can unite things will change. Those in control of governments cannot sustain with a powerful young working class.
      Governments no matter which type are at the peak of a pyramid. The peak requires a base and that base is the working class. When the working class becomes wrapped in turmoil for whatever reason and takes action the peak of the pyramid has to capitulate or the whole operation crumbles. There can be no government without a strong base. The great Roman empire collapsed without the support of the workers. The Government of France collapsed when the population revolted. Kings and queens of Europe are now reduced to figureheads because of the changes brought on by the people of those countries.
      The United States of America is slipping into an autocracy at the moment and if that becomes absolute, we the people are in a world of hurt. I am not talking about an absolute revolt, more so the ballot box. If we do not change things at the ballot box soon, there will be no ballots worth the paper they are printed on. Witness Russia and other countries and that will show you how we may end up here. Most of us are more concerned about Facebook than about our government and I fear that must change.
      We cannot let the plutocracy turn our country into an autocracy. This post scares the shit out of me.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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