Friday, March 15, 2019

Good, bad and ugly 190315

      There is a group that is called the humane society that loves and takes care of dogs. The last time I checked, dogs are not human, yet many of us treat them as well or better than we treat other humans. Perhaps it is time to form the dog society to promote the kind treatment of humans.

      The Quaker society, also called the friends society believe in friendly treatment of all human beings and they are pacifists. They are small in numbers, possibly because they are not fighters and they practice being nice in a world that can be and is often violent. The Shaker society is a split off the Quakers. They (according to my research) live in a communal society where everything is shared equally. Oddly enough, they supposedly do not believe in procreation, resulting in the obvious fact that they too are a small group. They import children from other religious societies.
      My conclusion is nice people do not often get to the top rungs in our present society, while loudmouths, violent, vile, untrustworthy people seem to get by quite well and many are running the governments of our world as dictators and want to be dictators.
      I believe it is natural for humans to want to live a comfortable life and raise their children well. What I do not understand is greed and power hungry people willing to do anything in their lust for money and power. There never seems to be enough for them.
      My parents wanted all of their children to do better than they did. We were raised that way, but perhaps the difference was we were also taught to believe in God, earn our pay, respect others, never lie, never cheat and never willingly harm others in spirit or physical forms. None of us children lived up to that on all counts, as that would mean we were/are saints. I can say that because I know myself and being the oldest, I know all of them. I know what I have done and I know what they have done, mom shared most everything with me. I am happy to say my friends are all good people at heart; if they were not good people in my estimation, they would not be friends of mine.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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