Saturday, February 23, 2019

Flowers and trees on the farm #4 190223

      March is just around the corner and hopefully warmer weather will come with it. The peonies like this white one will come up later. One thing about them that cheeped me out about them was when they first start to emerge from the soil the stems looked like tiny hands coming up from their wintry grave. It was okay though because then I knew not to mow over them.

      This Jackmani clematis vine blooms in June and is always a joy to see. Some of them can grow 10 or more feet in the summer.
      I never could decide whether I liked the white or the pink peonies best. I used to take a lot of them to the ladies at work. They were well received.
      This Russian sage was always one of my favorites. If I would have had better soil these would have grown bigger and thicker than mine ever did. The year we sold the farm they were looking like they were going to be the best yet. I never got to see them that year.
      This last picture is one of the apple trees burdened with snow and this picture was taken on the 3rd of May in 2013. Difficult to imagine, but true. The last throes of winter can show up late in the year around here.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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