Friday, January 4, 2019

There's a question at the end of this 190104

      You may see more of these signs in the near future.

      I try to avoid politics, but this situation is beyond me. I cannot remember an instance where a protracted government shutdown benefited our country.
      There is a commercial on TV recently where the theme is more jobs in energy create more jobs all around it. I see the logic in that. Now it seems to me that with the government shut down and having more than 800,000 government employees without paychecks for 2 weeks now and no end in sight, there is a snowball effect on other jobs, for instance cosmetologists (women are not getting hair-dos without paychecks) baby sitters are not getting paychecks from women in government who need childcare. Landlords are not collecting rent from government workers. Restaurants are not having as many people eating out. Real estate companies are not selling as many houses as normal. National parks are not picking up trash due to no workers to do so, so they are losing income. Government workers were taking Christmas presents back to stores because of the shutdown. Car dealers are not selling as many cars as normal. Parents are not able to front spring semester college payments, affecting educators. You can probably add more to this.
      So I am asking you the readers what do you think about this?
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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