Sunday, January 27, 2019

Cycles 190127

      Every day the earth cycles through one rotation. 24 hours in a day during the cycle means the earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour, thank God for gravity to keep us here. Every month the moon orbits earth one time and does one rotation. Every year the earth orbits the sun one time. So as the celestial bodies have cycles, our lives and everything in our lives has cycles. When I was 18, I thought celestial bodies were little more than the bodies on 18 year-old girls. Now I know there are more in the universe.

      We have gone through boom and bust cycles in this country. We humans have life cycles, of which I am rapidly headed toward the end of mine. The history of humanity has cycles that we label as ages, the golden age, silver age, bronze age, iron age, dark age and so forth.
      The ancient Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012. Some people predicted that would be the end of the world. As far as I know that did not happen, unless of course it did end and we are just existing in an artificial matrix, not really living but our universal consciousness is imagining we are. The fact may be that December 21, 2012 was not the end of the world, but the end of an age, a cycle.
      I want to think that we left a dark cycle and are now headed into another golden age with parabolic increases in knowledge and hopefully heading in a direction of human enlightenment and good will. The first part of my statement is obviously true as our knowledge and technology is growing rapidly; the second part may take a while to recover from our penchant for our war-like tenancies, our biased views of our brethren, our wanton lifestyles, but I have hope we will move toward a new age of enlightenment. It takes one thought, one person to start and then like a snowball rolling along it gets bigger and eventually becomes a snowman. Let's make a snowman together as we move toward an enlightened age.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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