Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Ho, ho, ho, NOT!

      Apparently this shirt is available on Amazon for your wearing pleasure. It seems to remind me of a theme I have heard before, can't remember what it was though.

      I know t'is the season to be jolly, but; there's always a but. This year's but started with our local tax collector sending the property tax bill the first of December. I paid it and got over that. Then I have a bill for Joyce's new hearing aids looming, she still doesn't have them and I am still not sure what the cost will be on them, but rest assured it will be a big fat one within the next week or so, just in time for Christmas. And then, the "coup de grace," the icing on the cake, the straw that broke the camel's back, the giant elephant that charged into the room, the fecal material in the punch bowl came into sight Friday evening in the mail. It was a bill from the hospital in Saint Louis (not sent until more than a year later and just in time for Christmas) that's where Joyce started her tribulations last year. It was for $1700, so ho,ho,ho, Not! The good part was our insurance company did cover more than $300,000 of the bill. And to top things off, the electric bill came today and it rockets up as soon as the leaves fall around here.
      Perhaps I am just whining, but writing all this down somehow makes me feel better. We will still host Christmas and have a great time and the joy at Christmas is that we can and have paid all the bills and do not yet have to worry about when the time comes when we will not be able to pay our bills.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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