Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fate and a sign 181208


      Sometimes we never know how an event will or did affect our lives.
      A simple delay, an alarm clock doesn't wake you up, it makes you late for work. You are on your normal commuting route and come up upon a multi-car pile up. Now you are mad because you will be even later getting to work. Ambulances are blocking the road, picking up injured people. Did you consider the fact that had you been on time and speeding to work: you would have been in the pileup? You might be one of the injured being carried away and then been days or weeks late to work, all the while enjoying that sumptuous, cold hospital food through a straw.
      One night I was late getting home from work. I called all my friends, but they were all already out on their Saturday night fun-seeking missions. I decided to go to a nearby drive-in movie. It was a huge place, but every parking space there was filled, but one. I pulled into the last remaining space and settled in to watch the movie. There was a rather slow spot in the movie, so I looked away from the screen and to my right. In the car there was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Now I was never good at meeting girls, but I knew I had to meet this girl if I only had the courage and knew what to say. I got out of my car and went over to her's. I have no inkling of what I said, but it must have been okay, because she is still with me one month shy of 55 years. There must have been over 100 parking spots filled, with just that one left and it changed my life forever.
      December 3rd of this year I wrote about Joyce's father's ship sinking and about the mysterious hand that opened the hatch and helped him out of his battle station below deck. That hand saved him and had no hand opened that hatch, there would be no Joyce, no Annie, no Hailey and I might have married some woman that made my life miserable. I could have gotten married, had a child, but she would not have been the one I have, nor would our granddaughter have been the one she is today.
      I just had a sign appear, minutes ago. There was a heavy red glass vase Joyce had placed on top of the refrigerator about 1 foot back from any edges. It had been there for days and had never moved. She put it there to help reflect the little Christmas tree there with all red lights. It just sailed off and bounced off my knee. Had it hit my foot it would have broken or crushed a toe. I have no idea what the sign means, but I expect something to happen within the next week. I only hope it is not a bad sign this close to Christmas. More to come whenever something happens this coming week.

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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