Tuesday, November 20, 2018

An Alternative Reality Chapter 2

      Suddenly it occurred to me that somehow I had slipped into another dimension or perhaps a time warp. My abundant joy at the seemingly good fortune that had befallen me turned into sadness as I realized I might never get back to Joyce and we would never be together again. She would be living in her dimension, her time period and I was stuck in mine. I have continued looking for a way back, but I never yet found one. Now I rest in a different, very nice home, but I continue to wonder how Joyce is doing, if she is well and if we will ever meet again?
      Every day I walk along my new neighborhood and look up at that platform. It is still there, but only I can see it. I don’t understand why that is, unless I am actually in yet another dimension when I pass by that house and look up at the platform. How many dimensions or time warps can there be? Am I going to end up in yet another dimension as I try different ways to get back to Joyce? The family in that home I entered before has a restraining order against me so I cannot go within 100 feet of their home or approach any family member.
      One morning I got up and decided to take a walk in the woods surrounding my new home. As I walked deeper into the woods I came upon an opening into a cave. It was dark with very cool air coming out. I wondered if there might be a bobcat or a bear inside. I sniffed the air but detected no foul air coming out, so I decided to walk into the cave. I remembered stories I have read about monks and shamans that went into caves to meditate and or contact spirits for intuition or guidance. I thought I might also find some guidance or peace being in there alone with my thoughts. I could not see much at all, but the chilled, damp air and the anticipation of what I might find made my spine tingle.
      As I continued into the cave I saw a pinpoint of light, following it as it got bigger with every step, I emerged into bright sunshine. I knew I had not walked more than 50 yards through the cave, but there were no houses, no roads, just a primitive wilderness. Before long I saw a clearing ahead and after walking out I saw what looked like teepees. Hmm, must be a boy scout campground, I thought I might as well walk over and say hello.
      As I approached the camp several dogs started barking, followed thereafter by a half dozen natives. Oh, okay it’s a powwow going on. The natives walked up and surrounded me and the leader began speaking in his language, which I had no idea of what he was saying. It dawned on me that these were not the Oklahoma native friends that Joyce and I know. The leader turned to walk back to the camp and the ones behind me gave me a shove to follow their leader. Entering the camp several native women came out in their buckskin dresses, but with no adornment. That told me this was no powwow; this was the real thing! Somehow I had passed into yet another dimension or more likely a time warp because the terrain was not terribly different, just the point in time. The way they were looking at me I figured they had never seen a spindly old man with pasty white skin. My brain started spinning, wondering if they would stone me or kill me or who knows what?.............
      Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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