Monday, September 17, 2018

Times have changed 180917

      I was drinkin, thinkin this afternoon about my time in the navy and how it is now. Times have changed so much. When I was gone, my daughter never got to see me and letters took weeks to get to home. My daughter cried when it rained worrying if I had a place to get out of the rain because all she ever knew was small boats on a lake with no cover on them. I had to send her a picture of the Kitty Hawk to show her there was lots of cover on it to get out of the rain. These days sailors have computers with instant emails and Skype so people can even see each other and talk and my daughter could see I was okay.
      Things are so much different now. With cell phones we could even call and speak at any time. Deployments are still harsh, but they are not as bad as they were back in those days. I do not mean to demean any sailors serving today, deployments are still tough, but they do have more than I did back then.

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