Thursday, August 16, 2018

UFOs vs Military 180816

      For those of you who do not believe in UFO's this video may change your mind. It has some simulations of actual events, but the people interviewed are all ex-military and most are officers. The video is 48 minutes long, but as you see the truth it will not seem that long.
      At one point an air force ICBM is traveling at nearly 8,000 miles an hour when a saucer comes into the frame and circles around the 8,000 mph missile and fires 4 laser beams at it and knocks the missile out of the sky. I do not know how fast a saucer needs to be going to circle around a missile that is traveling 8,000 mph but it has to be very fast.
      Several incidents happened at US nuclear missile sites in Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota. UFO's over those sites disabled all the missiles for the time they were hovering over the sites. The same thing happened in Russia and one time in the US and in Russia instead of disabling the nuclear missiles, they were activated and were within seconds of launching all out nuclear war before the UFO's countdowns to launch were stopped. These events happened in the sixties through the eighties and the air force Officers are now old and have retired before they began to talk about it. These things are still happening. There is well documented evidence in the video. My thinking is while there could be a threat in the future, the UFOs had the ability to wipe us out then, but they did not, so they could still today if they wanted and evidently they do not want to do so. A bigger threat at this moment occurred last weekend at a Las Vegas hacker's convention. An 11 year old hacked into the Florida election system and changed a few things around and did it in just 10 minutes. That is SCARY!
      I just heard on the news that the Russians have hacked the Florida and California election systems. This in my opinion needs to be stopped and we need the president to back our cyber experts up on this.

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