Thursday, August 30, 2018

Great American Legends 180830

      This is the A-4 attack plane the type John McCain flew off the USS Oriskany the day he was shot down over Hanoi on his 23 bombing mission over Vietnam.

      I have written about the cowboy legends of the west and how I love the legend. Today another cowboy legend had his funeral in Arizona. John McCain was a cowboy who rode a thousand horse-power steed. His bravery was legendary, his sense of right and decency was true to a cowboy code of honor and dedication to a cause greater than he. He loved his God, country, honor and his code. John McCain is gone and I look forward to seeing who can fill this void he has left. There is some young man or woman who will live up to his standard. I hope I live to see it.
      I have faith that God will not let this country fail and I believe young people of this nation will prevail and restore this nation to once again be the light, the beacon on the hill that all other nations look to when they are in need, when times get tough and one nation will lead the world to safety, shelter from the storm of fascism, autocratic nations that would enslave other nations and peoples in the world.
      God bless John McCain and the United States of America, the country he fought fo and loved.

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