Sunday, July 22, 2018

Legends and Cowboys 1807

      I grew up in the glory days of cowboy movies and TV. I relished them and have never gotten over that. I understand the stories were fictionalized representations of life as a cowboy and that is fine with me and it is what I want to think about. One of my least favorite movies was "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" the music from it is resounding in my head right now. The movie starred John Wayne, James Stewart and Lee Marvin. It was in the early sixties and in black and white. One thing that resounds today was Stewart's comment to reporters in the movie. It went something like this: when the legend exceeds the facts, print the legend. I think that rings true today. Cowboy life was not glamorous, it was harsh and demanding, but I still like to watch the old movies and remember the legend. Growing up with Roy Rogers, William Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy), John Wayne, Gene Autry, Ben Johnson (in countless movies) Harry Cary, Harry Cary junior, and Sam Eliot in later DVD movies has been wonderful. I tried to pattern my life after them, always truthful, standing up for what is right, respecting women, wives and school marms, and respect for the USA, even when it was much smaller than today. I know that is a tall order for any man and I may have slipped some at times, but we need real heroes today more then ever, hint, soldiers, sailors, marines, air force and decent men in government who respect our constitution, governing policies and basic human decency. Being a good man is a difficult thing to do. Men are not geared for that. Wherever men are they need to have decency and respect for all other men and women, with just that one thing, life on this planet would be far better. My hope is the legend of cowboys becomes reality in our world. If not, I just hope I can be one who lives the legend.

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