Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Sentinel News June 21, 2018

All the news that's fit to print.


Soybean War

The US is currently in a soybean war with China.
According to, China has imported 2.5-4.0 billion dollars a month from US for soybeans in the last 2 years, until now.
For every 1% decline in China's import of US soybeans, American farmers lose $500,000,000. Since January China's importing of US soybeans has dropped 14%. That money is now going to Brazil, China's new choice for soybeans. According to Forbes magazine, the US federal budget office is projecting 7.7 billion dollars of loses to US farmers.

Environmental Protection Rollbacks

EPA rollbacks in the last 17 months the Environmental Protection Agency has rolled back regulations that protect our drinking water. February 28, 2017 the president signed an executive order to rescind the "Clean waters rule" which was designed to protect our drinking water. April 25, 2017 the president halted the "Steam Electric Effluent Rules" which set limits of toxins from electric power plants that goes into our water supplies. These are facts which you can verify by clicking on the links supplied.

Editorial Opinion

It is my opinion, based on what I am reading, that these trade tariffs on steel, lumber and soybeans are not working as intended. The retaliatory rules China has imposed on soybeans may cause permanent damage to US soybean producers and that 7.7 billion dollar loss the federal budget office is projecting is going to come out of the taxpayer's pockets if the federal government pays those farmers for their losses. As always I could be wrong, but the current facts on the ground support my opinions.

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