Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Angel of Death took another life 1806

      Anthony Bourdain died of an apparent suicide on Thursday night June 7, 2018 and he was only 61 years old. I am astonished at how much his death has distressed me. How could a man so kind and so wonderful in a world not so wonderful take his life at a mere 61 years old? Joyce loved watching his TV show "Parts Unknown" and I enjoyed it too. I never knew him, but I thought he did so much for the world, made so many friends and generated so much good will across the world. How could this happen?
      The angel of death operates in strange ways. I am reminded of my good friend Bob Dill. Those of you who worked at Litton will remember Bob. He was such a nice guy, smart, quiet and very personable. I spent a lot of time with Bob in the weeks before his death. I was there just days before he died. His wake and funeral service was attended by many of his co-workers, beyond anything I expected. Bob got a rough deal before his demise. He was diagnosed with brain cancer and when he went for treatment of a tumor, the radiation equipment at the hospital had not been calibrated for more than 2 years and he was receiving 2 times the dosage he should have gotten. I think that is what caused his early death. Bob was pestered by a local attorney to sue the hospital, but Bob had relatives working in different functions at the hospital and did not want to risk jeopardizing their livelihood, so he refused to sue the hospital. He was what is called a stand-up guy all the way to his death.
      My youngest brother Rob, with a million-dollar personality that everyone enjoyed, died years ago, while my second brother Tom and I are still walking around. The angel of death has a horrible job, taking those that so many people love, while leaving some really bad people, much to the disdain of those around them. My brother Tom and I are still alive and well, (not that we are bad people, just lucky).
      Some day the angel will come for all of us, just not too soon I hope. Live well and enjoy the life you have while it lasts. Be nice and kind to those you meet; you never know how making others feel good may benefit your own life.

      Another victim of the Angel of death will soon be gone from us. Charles Krauthammer, a Pulitzer prize winning journalist will be gone in a few weeks time from stomach cancer. Those of you who watch Fox news will know he is a nightly commentator on the "Special Report" with Bret Baier.

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