Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Bedford Falls

      Joyce and I (mostly Joyce) was talking over coffee this morning about what a wonderful life we have had. We have met people, young and old, from around the world and had them in our different homes and had parties with them. We have traveled, had some great experiences, had rough times that now don't seem so bad. We have laughed so much together, cried together at times, drank a bit together, had children together, have a grand child, had wonderful grand parents and parents.
      We were so lucky to have lived in California when it was at its Zenith in the sixties. We have long term friends, young and old.
      Recently during the darkest time in our life when Joyce was in the hospitals and just after when I would be pushing her in her transport chair down the aisles of the grocery store, strangers would come to us and ask if they could pray for Joyce. In the Saint Louis hospital when Annie was with me in hospital waiting rooms strangers there would speak with us and pray with or for us and Joyce. We prayed with them for their relatives in the hospital. Those of you who read my posts prayed for me and Joyce and again I thank you for doing so.
      In case you are wondering, the title of this post comes from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." with James Stewart and Donna Reed. The fictional town was called Bedford Falls and the picture is a still shot from the movie. The town of Seneca Falls, New York claims it was the town for the story and though the film shows a town in the middle of winter, it was shot on a movie set in Encino California in the summer of 1946. It was just one of many Frank Capra movies, none of which has ever been bad.

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