Thursday, May 31, 2018

Women 1805

      Pictured below are two beautiful women. The pictures were taken six years before the end of their lives. They are Joyce's mother and my mother.

      A woman is like a lovely flower. She is beautiful at every stage of her life. From a tiny seed planted to a fading bloom, there is life, wonder and joy with her.
      Just like flowers, not all are the same. Some are tiny like a buttercup, some are tall like a hollyhock. Some are large and sweet like a peony, some are dangerous like a foxglove.
      All are mysterious in the early stage. In that stage they are like a bloom that we can see will open, but we do not yet know how she will turn out. We know she will be beautiful to us and we hope she will be smart, but how will she do out in the world?
      When a woman fully matures, (becomes an older woman if you prefer that term) that is when she is most beautiful in my mind. That is when we see her inner beauty, her strength, her wisdom, her full character. That is when we really know what to expect from her. That is when, children, grandchildren, husbands, friends, truly know who and what she is.
      May God bless all mature women.

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