Thursday, May 10, 2018

Trials and Tribulations WTF 1805

      I have heard that lightening does not strike in the same place twice, but I also have heard some people are struck by lightening more than once. We met an old friend yesterday when we were out. His name is also Bill. I found out he has had his wife in one hospital or another for the last 2 years. He and I seem to have more in common than I imagined. He too has suffered days on end when he thought he was going to lose his long time wife. Bill is a good man and hearing his story makes me wonder why good people have bad times to deal with? Aren’t good people supposed to have good things come to them? I hear that karma can be a bitch, but Bill doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. My old friend Kevin who is also a fine man, went through a horrible year or two a while ago and he is as good a man and father as anyone. What the hell is going on here? Audie and Ted, long time friends, also have their trials and tribulations. These things should not happen to good people.
      I wonder if my concept of live in the universe is faulty? My list of friends with real problems that they have to endure goes on and on. Why do the assholes of the world seem impervious to these things? I must be missing something here. None of the people I know have done anything wrong to deserve what they have had to face.
      The old saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger" is a truckload of manure in my opinion. Look at what combat soldiers have in World War Two, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan have gone through and they are changed forever. Almost all of them went through things no one should have to endure and they weren’t old enough or experienced enough to have done anything to deserve what they suffered through.
       Is the world so screwed up that everything is now operating in bizarro mode where everything is backwards and opposite? I must be missing something because I do not understand. I know I have been there before. I am not angry, though it may sound that way. I just want to know what and why these things happen. If anyone knows the answer, please let me know.

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