Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Thought Experiments 1805

      First thought experiment, You reach under your kitchen sink, way back where it is dark, when suddenly you feel a bite on your hand. You jerk your hand back, now what do you do?
      Second thought experiment, you are sitting on your toilet, taking care of whatever business you went in there for. Suddenly you feel something crawling across your left backside cheek, what do you do now?
      Third thought experiment, you are sitting in your living room; it has rained heavily for 3 days. You are watching TV and suddenly flood water rushes into you home and you first realize what is happening when your feel . your feet are wet. You know that you have to leave, but at the same time you think that if you do not run to the electric fuse panel and shut it off, the flooding water will spark an electrical fire and burn the upper part of your home to the ground. You don't want to be at the panel if it explodes; what do you do?

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