Sunday, May 27, 2018

The History of Beer 1805

      I watched a TV show on PBS today. It was about my 2 favorite subjects, history and beer.
      It turns out beer is historic, as far back as ancient Egypt, people brewed and drank beer. The Pharaohs sent runners to all parts of Egypt to advertise the fact that beer was available for men who could build pyramids. Just like today with our national religion, the National Football League, has been built by beer companies; beer built the pyramids; beer was the main part of wages paid to the builders. Beer was and is used in religious ceremonies, around the world.
      In Europe, beer was originally only brewed by monks and in parts of Europe it is still brewed in monasteries. Many of those monks today drink up to 10 liters of beer a day. Those monks must be a happy crew.
      I have personally made a crusade of drinking local beer in every country I have visited in my travels. I thought it was the proper thing to do. Dos Equis and Tecate in Mexico, Pearl in Texas, Asahi and Kirin and Sapporo in Japan, Tsingtao in China, San Miguel in the Philippines,I forgot what the name was in Singapore. I’ve even sampled beers from countries I haven’t been to, German Lowenbrau, Holland Heineken, and Guinness Stout from the UK.
      Louis Armstrong, a grand entertainer, must have been a beer drinker, he sounded so happy when he sang “What a Wonderful World.”
      Beer is a two-sided coin. It makes some people happy and some people mean and angry. Drink your beer responsibly, if that is possible.

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