Thursday, April 5, 2018

A Great American Story

College football has always been a money maker all the way back to 1900. There was a time though when professional football nearly died for lack of money. But then, the NFL turned things around, making owners billionaires and players millionaires.
It has been sheer genius on the part of owners. Today they get taxpayers to pony up the dough to build stadiums for the owner's players to play games. They get taxpayers to pay to provide security. They get vendors to pay huge bids to supply the hot dogs and beer. And then they get the public (again the taxpayers) to pay large sums to watch the games in the stadium, even people like me (who never go to a game) pay extra to buy a “T” shirt with a logo on it. My beer costs me extra because the beer companies pay huge sums to advertise during football games and that beer company hands over a rake off for those same owners.
If that were not enough, those players end up with brain damage that ends their lives early and according to Sports Illustrated 78% are bankrupt or in financial stress within two years, long before their early deaths.

       This is just my opinion and I do not wish to change anyone's mind about going to games they love to see. That is up to each person's own choices. I do watch games on TV and enjoy them when the right team wins.

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