Monday, February 5, 2018


      Time is a funny thing. We never know if the time is right to do something, get married, start a business, change doctors. We never know if it is the wrong time to buy a house, sell an investment, start a family. Time flies when we are having fun. Time drags when we are anxiously waiting for just about anything. We never know just how much time we have left. Time for us could end at any moment from a car accident, a heart attack, a bad fall. Time can drag on endlessly with a body that is non functional while a brain still operates well.

      Any moment can be a good time and any moment can be a bad time depending on our perception of what is happening at that moment. If there is one thing to be taken from this treatise, it is this; there is no bad time to tell someone you love them. Time can run out for them or for you at any instant.

      Time can be on your side or not be on your side and we never know if time is up until it is too late. We can never go back in time; it only goes forward. We never know the future either, so all we can do is live in the present. Some of the happiest times for me are when I can help a stranger and make his/her day.

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