Tuesday, February 20, 2018


          I cannot be sure about what I am about to reveal, but I know the FBI has kept me in their files for a long time.

         Now it matters not what time of day or night I am up and around I hear footsteps in the apartment above me, tracking my every movement. I go to the living room, the footsteps follow my path. I go to the bedroom, same thing. I go to the bathroom and I hear water running up there. I cannot find any cameras or listening devices in my apartment, but I know the FBI is very good at hiding them. We only have 4 rooms here, but there are 3 smoke detectors here and there is always a green LED light on all of them. I suspect it is not just a light, but in reality a small night vision camera. I used to write a lot of political posts and stories, but I have gotten away from that in recent years just to shed those guys from me, but I am feeling they are still around and still monitoring my every move. I used to see the black SUVs around the farm, but here there are a lot of them in civilian hands, so it is difficult to tell whose they are. It’s hell being watched all of the time and never knowing if a friendly person in the grocery store is just that or is he/she a government agent.

         For those who see this post, be they friends or agents I say, I am no longer a threat. I am too old and tired for that. Spend your time hunting down Russian agents or American collaborators and let me be.

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