Saturday, February 10, 2018

Extreme Meditation

      I have some exciting news for you! Last night the spirit of the late Maharishi Marrakesh Yogi from 5125 years ago visited me in a dream. He spoke to me for hours giving me the secrets to total peace and well-being.
      The answer it seems is deep meditation, not the regular kind, but guided, naked meditation. He told me that if I wanted total lasting happiness in this world I should share this wisdom with others. I am so excited I want to share this wisdom; therefore, I will be accepting students right away.
      I am at this time only accepting female students, as I don’t feel ready to look upon a class in deep meditation and see some dude’s stamen protruding from his lotus blossom. I am sorry fellows but you will have to teach your own class, should the yogi deem you worthy to visit and share his wisdom of the ages.
      Those who wish to find peace in their lives should enroll now at the
       Billy Bob School of Naked Meditation
      4325 Nirvana road
      High Hope, Mo. 65432

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