Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Honor Roll 1707

I am creating some web pages with ships and planes and the thought occurred to me to honor those who have served their country. If you are a veteran or have a family member who has done so, I would like to have a picture of that person and some information about the service performed. It does not matter if the picture is of the person today, but preferably when he/she was in uniform. I think this is something that needs to be done. It may not bring notoriety, but at the least it is somewhere on the vast world wide web that these people are recognized for their service. If you have something please send it to isaw3seas@gmail.com and I will place them on the page. It does not matter if they were in combat or not, let’s just honor them for their service, no matter when it was or what it was. In World War Two most were in supporting roles, but those roles kept the combat troops in action and won the war.

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