Friday, June 2, 2017

Trans-fats 1706

Trans-fat has been around for more than 100 years. Perhaps you have heard of a product called Crisco, since 1911 when Crisco started, it had trans-fat until the nineties. Trans-fats caused increased cholesterol problems which led to heart disease. Trans-fats were popular in almost everything fried or snacked upon for decades.
In the fifties health advocates called for reductions of butter and beef fats, so fast food outlets went heavily into trans-fats by the eighties.
Health nuts called for removing natural fats in diets. The problem with that is that children need natural fats in their diets. Fat is required for brain health. Your brain is 60% fat and needs fat to function properly. My father used to call me a fat head. It was in his thinking a derogatory comment, but little did he know it was a compliment.
Back to trans-fats. By filling out diets with trans-fats instead of natural saturated fats, we now have a generation in the workforce with very diminished brain capacity. Perhaps you have worked with or dealt with them in stores or restaurants. It is not their fault because they did not get the proper nutrition for normal brain development, but it is your problem because you have to deal with them.
I feel better knowing why they seem slow in their thoughts and actions, why they cannot even count change back properly and are easily befuddled and need pictures instead of words on cash registers. Give them a break, cut them some slack.

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