Monday, June 5, 2017

Things I do not know or Understand 1706

One thing that intrigues me is the fact that the older I get the more I realize all the things that I do not know. Of course I have forgotten a lot of what I did once know, but now I think about things I never thought about before.
For instance, the other night I was looking at the moon. It had changed from ¼ to ½ visible. I never thought about why that happened before. Why does the moon become visible in the east while other times it shows up in the west? Why do we have the beautiful “Harvest Moon” only in October or there about? It shows up in the east, all red and so low to the ground with a somewhat frightening appearance.
Why are there slugs, mosquitoes, gnats and other pesky things in the world?
How much electromagnetic energy passes through my body every day? We are bombarded 24 hours a day with transmitted video, radio, electric radiation from the wiring in our homes, cell phones, microwaves, everything we use. I know cattle farmers will not let their cows graze under electrical lines because it deforms calves and makes the cows sick. How much less or worse is what we are subjected to every day? Is dementia in old people tied to excessive electromagnetic radiation? Are people with cell phones tied to their ears killing themselves earlier than normal death? I see people in cars all the time driving in unsafe manner and is that due to their brains being fried while they live on their cell phones?
I remember landing in Atsugi naval air base, Japan one time and there was an exact radar plane there as ours with our same markings and the radar dome was burned away. The reason was sailors working on the radar left for lunch, turned off the antenna rotation and forgot to turn the radar transmitter off. Maybe that was how microwaves became a part of our society, point being microwaves can cook things, fiberglass, even brains!
I’m just saying there is so much more I do not know than what I do know.

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