Saturday, June 10, 2017

Learned Something Today 1706

I learned something today and that is not always good because every new thing I learn has to push something old out of my brain. I have forgotten so much that I wish I could remember. I did things in my many jobs that I cannot remember and yet wish I could. My brain has kind of filled up at my age and I really want to retain the old stuff. I am reminded of Joyce’s mother’s wonderful quote, “I don’t remember when I got so forgetful.”
I was in Wal-Mart this morning and the lines at the cashier stations were 5 deep, so I chose to go to the self-checkout. I do not usually use that facility because I want people to have jobs, but today I had nothing that required knowledge of cashier skills.
I walked up to the open register and quickly backed away when I saw there was a $20 bill hanging from the money dispenser. I called the attendant immediately. She came over and knew what to do. The previous customer had requested an extra $20, but must have been distracted and walked away without picking up the money. It turned out the attendant had to slide her card into the machine and then take the $20 out of the machine and then the receipt came out for the purchase. Apparently the previous customer was distracted, perhaps with kids or a recalcitrant husband who knows what?
I suppose I could have picked up an extra $20, but I am not that kind of guy. One thing I do know is when you pick up a handy 18 pack of Miller Lite the alarm goes off and the attendant has to come over and swipe her card and state you are over 40 years-old, but no one ever asks to see my I.D.. They used to check, but now they just hit the ok whether I am in the self-check or the regular cashier line. WTF!

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