Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Woman in the Coffee Shop 1705

The middle of this little story came to me in a dream. All I needed to do was write a beginning and an end. I hope you enjoy it.

I was sitting in a coffee shop near my small factory the afternoon when I first saw her. She was a raven-haired beauty perhaps 20 years old. Her alabaster skin combined with the raven hair made her a very attractive woman. Her ample bosom and rounded hips led to rather long legs to support her 5’ 9” frame.
The coffee shop was small and cozy and well known for its great coffee and friendly staff. That afternoon the place was crowded with just one seat left and that was at the small bistro table where I sat.
She scanned the area and began to walk in my direction. She walked right up to me and asked permission to share my table, to which I wholeheartedly agreed. We talked the afternoon away while drinking the wonderful coffee available.
We departed the shop and she asked about my factory location. It was just doors away. She asked if she could use the restroom there. I said yes and handed her the keys to my office, my safe and my private restroom there. She left and I did not see her for another year.
The next time I saw her, she had a new baby on her hip. We were in the coffee shop and as we left she asked for Pepsi-Cola for the baby. I obliged from the machine in my factory. They were the old fashioned bottles with a cap on them. I gave her my keychain with a bottle-opener on it. She held onto the chain and again asked to use my private restroom. I did not remember it had the key to my safe on the chain. She left and the next time I opened my safe there was three thousand dollars missing.
The next year I saw her she had a different baby on her hip. I asked her about the child. She said she was not able to have children, so she did the foster care thing because she loved babies so much.
This went on for twenty years. She would show up with a new baby, ask for the key to my office and then rake out all the extra cash she needed to support that new baby.
Finally one day she showed up without a new child. I asked what happened and she said she had done her duty to take care of these unwanted children and she was tired. I had loved her since the first day I saw her, so I asked her what she was going to do and when she said she did not know, but she thought it was time to settle down and get married. I asked her on the spot if she would grant me the honor of marrying me. She accepted. We have been happily married now for twenty years, the best years of my life!

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