Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Man Who Ruined His Country 1705

He ran on ranting about the reasons why his country was failing. He promised nationalism, making his country great again. He had disdain for human rights of his citizens. He identified those who were enemies of his country. He preached about making his military the best in the world. He was a sexist. He preached that the news was not to be trusted. He was obsessed with national security. He entwined government with religion. He protected those who held corporate power that would ensure his own power. He held disdain for history and the arts. He was obsessed with crime and punishment. He was elected to the highest office in the land, yet filled his government with cronies and promoted corruption.
Do you know his name? He picked an enemy and used the enemy to get himself elected, because he alone could protect the country from the enemy he spoke of.
Do you know who he is? His name is Adolf Hitler. But I wonder whom you may have thought it was?

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