Thursday, March 30, 2017

Writing 1703

Well now, I am writing again and having lots of dreams every night. My dreams make little sense most of the time, but I do find them interesting.
Sometimes I am back at work trying to solve some difficult problem. Sometimes I am back in the navy and thinking I need to re-enlist and finish my 20 years. Sometimes I am back onboard ship, trying to find my locker or the watchbill to see if I have a watch to stand or if I missed one and am in trouble. Other times I have just bought a house and while moving in I find the basement is totally flooded or the roof leaks more water than it sheds.
The other night I was on a plane going back to Guam for another 18 month tour of duty. Two nights ago I was back in a factory and when I went through the lunch line and turned to find a place to sit, there was not a single one available. I left the cafeteria and headed down a hallway, looking in office doors to find a place to sit and have my lunch. Every door I looked into had two people having sex on a couch or on a desktop. I spoke to one couple, asking how it was and they both said it was fine.

Most of my dreams seem to have some built-in drama or troublesome issue, except for that one two nights ago. It started with a minor problem, but ended on a high note.

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