Friday, March 24, 2017

Old age 2017

I have always been a movie fan; who doesn’t like movies? Now that I have Netflix I watch even more. One thing that bothers me is seeing actors that were so very young when I was beyond their years and now they are older and dying. The stars that were old when I first started watching movies are gone and that does not bother me at all. My problem is that it just makes me wonder just how long I will be on this planet. I accept the fact that my days are numbered as all of ours are. I just do not enjoy seeing that fact in the movies I watch. I am ready to go when the time comes but I have had a great life, no regrets.
Spring is here in 2017, birds are calling, soon to be nesting. Everything is coming alive again after the dearth of winter. Unless mankind destroys the earth, spring will continue on its perennial cycle of new life. Summer always follows spring and then autumn after that.
For many years I have heard the saying “the autumn of my life.” I used to think that was my situation and while I feel well and healthy I have to crunch the numbers and think that my estimate of my lifetime is roughly 82 years. Now the fact that I am very close to 72 means I have probably passed through the autumn of my life. Figuring I have 10 years left out of 82, I have burned through 87% of my lifetime. That means in the context of the yearly calendar seasons I have 1.5 months, so that works out to November 15 and since winter doesn’t start until December 21, I am still in the autumn of my life, although later into autumn.
Golly, I suddenly feel a lot better. I think I’ll pop a top on a frosty cold beer and enjoy the rest of the day.

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