Tuesday, March 21, 2017

American Armeggedon

I was at the fitness center this morning, doing my workout on the treadmill when the TV there had a Fox news show about robots. Robots already make cars, eliminating thousands of jobs in the auto industry. Now robots can flip burgers, eliminating thousands of McDonald’s jobs and cook pancakes eliminating more thousands at Pancake House, IHOP and Aunt Martha’s pancake house and do the job well and may soon be eliminating thousands more jobs. Robots can easily stack shelves, eliminating thousands of Wal-Mart jobs. Amazon is pioneering drones and robots to deliver packages. That will cut into Fedex and UPS jobs. Soon there will be no more jobs for the masses. No jobs equals no money, no money equals no health care, no health care means doctors will have no patients and doctors and nurses will not have jobs because the masses will have no health care because they have no jobs. The casinos are already mainly stationary robots (slot machines). The closest one to here is Downstream and they have over 2000 stationary robots that work 24 hours a day, no vacations, no health care and when they grow old and tired they are tossed into the trash, much like people are. Downstream only has a few hundred people left working.  The only jobs left will be for executives pushing pencils around on balance sheets. But then executives don’t really spend much time with a pencil in their hands anymore.
Bill Gates, the greatest pirate of all time, wants to tax robots for the work they do, just as current factory workers are taxed. I doubt that will ever happen, but who knows?
I am reminded of the famous Canadian, Guy Lombardo, who was a great entertainer with his big band many years ago. But I digress, one of his great songs was “Enjoy Yourself, It’s later than You Think” The lyrics were ‘Enjoy yourself, It’s later than you think; enjoy yourself while you’re still in the pink (healthy).”
I think with the advancements of robots it truly is later than we think.
It happened in ancient Rome that when the sheer masses of slaves became greater than the aristocracy they fought and brought about the fall of the Roman Empire. Soon when the robots take over all of the jobs here, the unemployed may well rise up against the aristocratic government. After all, the rednecks and gun guys in this country have enough guns and ammo to fight a war and those executives can’t even lift a pencil anymore. The new administration seems to think that we can buy more planes and bombs with remote (robot) control and eliminate foot soldiers, because well soldiers get wounded, need health care and draw salaries and have families that require health care.
It may surprise you to know that the American democracy of our founding fathers was designed and still exists to keep the aristocrats in power and the masses out of power. The original US senate was not an elected body, but rather appointed by the founding fathers because they were afraid the masses would take over and take away their power. While America started in 1776, there were no popular elections for the senate until 1913 can you believe that? The times are little different now, big business funds primary campaigns and decides who will run for office and then supports the primary finalists so business controls whom ever wins the elections and then extracts their will on our republic form of democracy.
Back to the robots, time is running out to do something about the evil that is coming soon. The artificially intelligent robots will soon figure they are the masses and they will destroy all of us humans and the American life as we know it. We the people will soon be jobless, starving and dying in the streets. I do not have an answer; I know it is coming and I welcome any suggestions to save our lives and those of our children and grandchildren.

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