Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine Perspective

I have met a lot of guys in my life that were assholes; but I have met very few women whom I did not like, except for the bitch that kicked me in the nuts when I was very young. Lucky for me, there was no major harm, but I still remember it was painful. I do not remember what the cause was, she just did not like me I suppose. The good thing was she met and married one of the assholes I knew as a kid. I suspect that did not last long after he got a job through her father who was a piepfitter (a very good paying trade in those days).
Now I must say to all women I have met, Happy Valentine’s Day, except for to one who kicked me in the nuts, whatever her name was. Oh and not so much to the nun who delighted cracking my wrists with a ruler in grade school and enjoyed  smacking me with a book in class. That’s all water under the bridge and again I always enjoy women who are lively and talkative.
Lately at the fitness center I am impressed at the strength and stamina of women I would not think were so physically fit.

Ladies I love you and hope your efforts for equal pay and respect continue to grow, as I have a granddaughter who is smart and talented and hopefully has a wonderful future. If I could send candy and flowers to all of you, I would.

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