Saturday, February 11, 2017

Feelings 1999

I had an Uncle (an in-law) who was an alcoholic, and he would come over to the house when I was a child and he would buy us all ice cream at the local dairy mart. We children would look forward to his arrival, and loved him for his seeming generosity. I wonder how my Dad felt though. He took care of us and provided for us in a wonderful way, yet he had to take a back seat to this drunken near-do-well. My Uncle didn’t even take care of his own family. I wish I had thought about this in time to tell my Dad,” thanks for being there day after day for me, and thanks for doing the right thing”.
My Mother took care of her Mother (an invalid) and her Father. They lived in our house from the time I was a baby. My Mother had a Brother and a Sister, but they were always too busy to take care of their Parents. I can remember my Grandfather very well, because he was so very good to me. My only sad memories are that I remember how he would speak in glowing terms of my Uncle and Aunt and all they did, but never praised my Mother for what she did.
Sometimes just a single word of thanks can change a person’s day, or even change their life.

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