Thursday, January 26, 2017

Update to the Parachute story

Several people have asked if I was in this picture. The resolution was not good enough for them to zoom in and see if it was me. I have located another copy of the picture that was scanned at a little better resolution. The picture itself was from a VW-1 squadron yearbook for 1965.
Here is the other picture, followed by some close ups:
Me in 1965.JPG
You can see me in the center of the following picture and recognize a much (51-year) younger me. On my left is Ronnie Cress, one of the engine mechanics and on the right is the then lead electronic tech, whose last name was Casebier, but everyone called him six pack.
Me in 1965_zoom1.jpg
The following picture below is the back row from left is J.J. the radioman who used a speed key to send Morse code so fast I do not know how people on the receiving end could catch it. I remember seeing him in his tiny radio station on the plane; it had a small fluorescent light that was not connected to any electric socket, but would blink from the radio energy as he sent out messages. Next to him is Jack Buck (not the sports announcer). He was my nemesis for a while until I got squared away to his standards. He actually helped me a lot by his holding me accountable. I have forgotten the middle guy here. Next is my old buddy Cal, my running mate for years. Finally on the far right is Bill Locher, another tech. Many people were getting he and I mixed up. Some even thought we were twins. Even the personnel guys couldn’t tell us apart, so several things got mixed up in our service jackets. In the row below at center is Tommy Fincannon a wonderful Irishman with never-ending stories and because somehow he was born in the deep south it took him forever to finish them in his slow, southern drawl. His stories were great, but most were hardly anything to be reprinted in my blog as they were usually very funny but very crude, but it was after all the navy.

JJ_Buck_UN_Cal_Bill Locher.jpg

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