Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Laundry Tales 17

Ordinarily a trip to the laundromat is not anything to raise ones blood pressure, but yesterday’s trip did just that.
We rolled in there with 2.5 weeks worth of laundry and we were rolling out in just over an hour. I save so much time going to the Wash House, when all I have is more time than money, but it’s nice to get all the laundry done and be off to something else.

The morning was cold so I was bundled up, coat, hat and gloves. There was some extra space in one of the washers I used so I removed my hat gloves and neck scarf and tossed them in with the wash. What I did not realize was when I slid off my left glove, my wedding band came off with the glove. The washing and drying went well and when I returned home I first realized my ring was missing. I rushed back to the Wash House and when I walked in Randy waved and said, “I bet you lost something.” He had been checking the washers right before his shift change and saw my ring lying on the washer gasket. He had it placed behind the counter just waiting for me to come in and pick it up. What a good guy!

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