Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

We were in Wal-Mart yesterday morning picking up some beer and a sub-sandwich for supper. We don’t always get beer every day, sometimes what we have lasts two days. The lines at the checkout were full and there were lots of people buying turkey and all the trimmings for the upcoming holiday. It made me feel good that people are still observing the holiday with families. At least not everyone is going out to Chinese restaurants for the holiday meal. And of course it brought back a flood of memories of days gone by when we were children and beyond. All of the uncles and aunts and parents were there and as a child it was wonderful.

This morning Wal-Mart was packed again and more people were buying trimmings for Thanksgiving, while we got more beer, some cheese and bread and a pie for the holiday. All is good.

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