Sunday, November 20, 2016

Our November Curse

These are just a few of the things I remember that started or happened in November. Joyce’s father died in November of 1967 the day before her birthday. Her mother was put on Hospice care in November and died on the sixth of December. My father got sick and was hospitalized in November and died the first part of December. All three of my navy cruises started in November. My navy duty on Guam started in November. This has been an ongoing thing for decades. Our first Thanksgiving when it was just the two of us was of course in November. We did not even have a turkey that year. Beef was what was on the menu, but it just did not seem right. This year plans have been cancelled due to illness. One year Joyce’s sister’s home was burned to the ground in November, right after Thanksgiving. Things just seem to happen in November. One year Joyce had the turkey in the oven and we went to another apartment to visit for a breakfast and we had ourselves locked out of our apartment. I had to force open a locked window and shove our little Annie through the then open window to open the door. It was pure luck that we had a ground floor apartment, otherwise we would have never gotten into the place. Another year Joyce was cooking turkey giblets on the stove top and the aroma was wonderful, so good that the giblets masked the fact that the oven had quit and the turkey was not cooking. That stove had a habit of quitting the day before Thanksgiving, causing a major panic. There have been may more things that I cannot recall at the moment. The list goes on, but I think you have the drift of things. The sad of it is Thanksgiving has always been Joyce’s favorite day of the year, but it just seems to too many things go wrong in the month of November. My fall that led to my brain hemorrhage was on the first of November. Joyce's grandma got sick in November and led to her death. Joyce's aunt Betty had a debilitating stroke in November. Our 1967 VW that we loved so dearly was rear-ended in November and though it was repaired, it was never right again. Maybe we could start calling it Octvember or Nocember or just go to an eleven month year by adding 2.5 days on to all the other months.

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