Saturday, September 3, 2016

Windows 10 Trouble Again

I was working with my windows 10 computer yesterday when I kept getting a message that one of my secondary email accounts had a problem. I clicked on the account and windows said it needed my password; so I put it in. A few seconds later it said the account had a problem, again I had to put in the password. Bear in mind, I was not using that account at the time, merely had windows 10 mail open on my regular account. I finally deleted the extra account and started a new account using the same information and now it is working fine.
Now because I was in windows 10 mail the computer syncs all three accounts every time it is turned on. I do not need to have to delete all the mail I have already read a second time so I decided to change the sync settings. It seemed logical to me. I got some windows help online on how to change the sync from automatic to manual. I followed the first direction which was to go to settings, simple enough. I clicked on change settings, it came back with I needed to sign in with a windows account (not an email account). I never established a windows account, so I selected create account. When I typed in my email address as told, I got a reply that the account was already established. Okay I thought, I can go with that so I typed in my email password, reply back not correct. Fine, I clicked “Forgot Password”. I jumped through the hoops and windows sent me a numerical code to be able to reset my password.  I entered the new password, confirmed it and I thought now I have it whipped! I went back to settings to make the sync change and the reply was “Okay enter your password one last time to make the change.” I did so just as I had just done a moment ago and the reply was “wrong password!”

I was just getting close to appreciating windows 10 and BAM! Back to misery again.

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