Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Why is it when you buy a six pack of beer it is always cold, but when you buy six Coca-Cola it is always warm? Why would someone just buy a six-pack? Who drinks warm Coca-Cola? And don’t Germans drink their beer warm? Why do they drink it warm? Isn’t warm beer what you pour on your flower bed to fertilize the flowers because it tastes so bad? Why does micro-brewed beer have an aftertaste and fill you up so fast? Why is it that time travels so fast when you are having fun, but so slow when you are waiting in some office? Why is it that sometimes you can see the moon in a clear blue daytime sky? Why is it said that at the bottom of a well you can see stars in the daytime? Why would anyone at the bottom of a well be looking at stars instead of trying to keep from drowning? Why are you still reading this?

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