Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Walmart Fantasy

Back in the year 2024 when the U.S. was at the brink of war with China, Walmart agreed to take over the federal government. The company was the largest in the world and with stores in every country on earth the company decided not to go to war with China, despite the fact that Russia was eager to join the U.S. in a war with China. Walmart had too much to lose in a conventional world war.
The defence companies were livid over Walmart’s decision not to go to war. The defence companies tried to take back control of the federal government, but while they were big on firepower, they had no federal funds with Walmart holding the checkbook. The lobbyists for the defence companies jumped ship and went to work instead of having lunches on golfing resorts in the Bahamas.
For the first time since the 1950 era, the defence establishment had been emasculated by an even bigger business. Those companies were hot under the collar because they could see a trillion dollars going to Walmart’s pockets instead of theirs.
Universities were also angry when Walmart opened affordable colleges across the world, taking away the U.S. university’s world-wide lock on higher education. And with Walmart holding the paper on college loans the company was getting richer by the month as loans were paid down to Walmart.
The pharmaceutical industry was defiant at first when Walmart determined that they as suppliers would have to negotiate prices as all other Walmart suppliers had done for more than 60 years. In the end they too relented because with Walmart’s stores around the world being the biggest market; they had no choice.
Suddenly with peace around the world, prosperity broke out everywhere. People had jobs and they spent money freely, creating more jobs. Walmart realized that their interests required roads, railroads and even schools, so the government under Walmart’s direction poured money into infrastructure (of course with negotiated prices) and new and faster trains were built and roads were smooth.
Happiness spread into every corner of the world, life was good.

The End

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