Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Big Decisions

Looking back when I was young, I made a lot of decisions without a lot of thought. Today, I contemplate every action and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. I always thought (when I was young) that I knew what to do and when to do it. I had supreme confidence that whatever I did would turn out right. Unfortunately I was not always correct in every sense, but things seemed to work out, eventually. There were some rough spots, okay, a lot of rough spots, but they did work out in the end.
Now when I look back, I think how lucky I was and wonder if I would have done many of those things knowing what I have learned through the years. I doubt that I would, but back then I had time on my side. Now I do not. I have more yesterdays than I have tomorrows.
One thing I did learn along the way and it worked, was to set a goal; write it down and look at it every day to remind myself of what I was going to do and when I was going to accomplish it. It is important to have minor goals for weeks, months and years along the way. I learned that a lot later than I wish I had. I know that goal setting sounds so obvious, but how does one get anywhere without knowing where one is going?

Before I learned that, my life was like the lyrics in one of my favorite songs. “I’m sitting by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know where I’m going but I hope I know it when I get there.”

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