Sunday, August 21, 2016

You can't please everyone

I had an email this morning with a video attached about millennials. I watched it and it was fun. After watching the one sent on UTUBE, there were a list of other videos to watch, so I did. One that impressed me was a Ted Talk by a young woman in Saint Louis speaking on Millennials. I thought her talk was to the point, correct and well delivered. Down the page were 150 comments, so I read through them and I was surprised. Her well thought well delivered speech came up with a near 50/50 split, half thought it was great, half thought it was incorrect and stupid.

It is a fact; no matter what you do, no matter how great you are, you can’t please everyone, so you’ve got to please yourself as so well stated by Ricky Nelson in his song “Garden Party.” I have spent 70.5 years of my 71 year life trying to please everyone, even when I knew it was impossible. I failed, but I kept trying to achieve the impossible. Now in the autumn of my life, I have finally been able to transition over to pleasing myself and if that pleases those around me, fine.

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