Sunday, July 24, 2016

Writing 1607

I try to write something new every day, not so much for you, but for me. Writing is a habit that a writer tries to conduct so it becomes automatic every day. I am assuming I am a writer and that this is necessary for me as much as for you. Today you may have to live with something not as good as it should be, but hopefully tomorrow is better. I have tried to write books in the past and that is very difficult, taking more time than I am willing to devote to and at the same time I see a lot of things that are garbage, written by people who should not be writing. I am a short time writer with fits of inspiration that I can only hope you enjoy. Joyce says she likes long novels and I am incapable of that, I am a very short story writer. Everyone has his/hers strengths/weaknesses and that is mine. Bear with me as I go through this period of drought and hopefully I will come out on the other end with something that is entertaining.

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