Wednesday, July 27, 2016

All Around Us

Well uncle Billy is pulling out his soapbox this morning, to let you know what he is thinking. Warning, it’s scary inside his tiny brain. When he was born, the doctor pulled him out with one a them big doctorin pliers and squoshed his head a might, so Billy’s brain ain’t always right.
American history back when he was a kid was pretty much about nothin but the famous and the infamous. They was a lot a generals and a lot a politicians and a lot a time it were hard to tell who was the famous and who was the infamous.
Well Billy’s a tellin ya that today ain’t nothin much changed. We still got them politicians that makes laws an they figgers them laws is fer the little folks an not fer them to follow. Now them generals has changed a might, cause the politicians has them hornswoggled and gripped by where the short hair grows. Them generals knows that they has ta kowtow ta the politicals or they ain’t gonna be no general fer long.
Now uncle Billy seys with fellers like thet, hows it we can survive? Well it’s because a the little man an the little woman. They’s the ones that keeps things a going. Them pyramids over there Egypt, they got a real pointy top, but it’s the big wide base that keeps the pointy end up. The little folks is all around us, but they never gets the recognition they deserve. It’s the gal that drives that 18 wheeler down the road that gets to goods ta market. It’s the gal that drives the school bus ta get the kiddies ta school in the morning that never gets the recognition. It’s the factry worker thet gets the job done ta make the tops a them pyramids stay at the top. It’s the guys an the gals at street level that makes them ivory towers possible. If’in the little guys an gals a quit workin how long do ya thin them politicians an generals would survive?

Thet said, uncle Billy proposes we has today as a special day ta celebrate the little gal an the little guy who is All Around Us an makes this great country great!

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