Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The News

It used to be when I only had broadcast TV I got my news in the afternoon about supper time. Now with CNN, Fox and MSNBC there is a 24 hour a day news cycle.
We have all heard the old news axiom, “If it bleeds, it leads.” So now I have a constant, never ending supply of bad news. That news is drilled into my head over and over every day. Is it any wonder then that so many people get depressed and afraid of what bad thing will happen next?
I have at times imposed a temporary news ban at times and soon after began to feel better. My problem is that I feel compelled to watch again to keep myself informed. I find it difficult to filter out the sensational from the essential. If there is a way, I have yet to find it.
Joyce seems mesmerized with news lately. She only changes channels during the commercials. She has not been this enthralled since the Watergate hearings back in the seventies.
This election cycle will probably be the most exciting in our lifetime, so Joyce will be on temporary assignment until November. I will have to be vigilant enough to pry the channel changer out of her hand along about midnight so she can get some sleep.
Suddenly I am reminded of the old Johnny Cash song “Bad News,” "Well bad news travels like wildfire, good news travels slow, they all call me wildfire, everywhere I go."

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