Thursday, January 7, 2016

Particles 160107

Bear with me on this one, because I go from imagination to daily reality in a short time.
I watched a show last night called "Particle Fever."
The show was about theoretical physicists, experimental physicists and the CERN particle collider.

Those guys and girls looked like me, had the same size head and I assume the same sized brain as I have. 
The difference between their brain capability and mine was/is astounding! 
Those folks spend their days writing equations that could not write, or even recognize the symbols they spewed across a blackboard day after day.
They live in a world of what they call particles.
Those folks imagine and dream about things that make tiny atoms look like the Empire State building.

 In my world particles are, well to be honest, dryer lint.

I can see my lint particles and every time I do, I wonder how there is any fabric left in whatever I am drying.

One thing struck me about the difference in my world and that of a theoretical physicist.
In my world I got a job and I had to produce something that was worth more than the wages I was paid or I did not have a job.
In the physics world there seems to be no requirement to produce anything. 
One theoretical physicist admitted he had worked for 40 years and never produced a thing.
He was retiring and said he was sad that he had never accomplished anything.

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