Thursday, November 5, 2015

Christmas now and past

Joyce and I are both well into the Christmas music at the moment. Christmas is both sweet and sour every year. There are memories of our childhood which are sweet and memories that are not so sweet of loved ones that have passed from this earth. I hope that each of you who read this realize the feelings we feel. Childhood memories are hard to beat. It was a time when we did not know the cares of the world. Everything was grand at the time. Now is even better, but it is difficult to think that way in the present time. We have a new generation of children and grandchildren that are wonderful. We have new people who make our Christmas, but the memories linger on. It does not make sense in a logical way, but memories are anything but logical. It is my sincere hope that the upcoming Christmas is your best ever as I suspect ours will be.

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